9 Tips To Help You Quit Smoking

If you are a smoker and are looking to quit, it is crucial that you are truly prepared to do so. Part of this preparation includes learning all you can about quitting. This article is going to provide you with tips that will assist you in quitting once and for all.

Before you even begin the journey of quitting, it is important that you have the faith and confidence to do so. You are not going to get very far if you tell yourself that it is impossible. Instead, think positive thoughts and tell yourself that you can do anything you put your mind to, including quitting smoking.

Create a detailed plan of how you are going to quit smoking. This includes what techniques you are going to use to quit, such as cold turkey, nicotine patches, or hypnotherapy. Also, do not forget to make out a plan of how you are going to stay away from cigarettes. Quitting is only half the journey; the other half is staying that way.

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It may be beneficial for you to write out your reasons for quitting. If you can, write these reasons on a Post-It and stick them in places that you will see them often. This way, whenever you feel like giving up, you can look at this list and it will give you the motivation to continue.

Enlist the help of your loved ones when it comes to quitting smoking. Tell them that you want to quit and why. Then, they can provide you with all of the encouragement and support you will need. If you know someone who smokes, you can even ask them if they would like to join you on your path to quitting. Having someone quit with you may be what you need to keep on going when times are tough.

Speak with your doctor about quitting smoking. In addition to giving you resources, your doctor may be able to write you a prescription for medication to help you quit. Many people are against taking medication, but they help to curb your urges, which is what you may need to quit.

Exercise may be the key to you quitting smoking. As you probably already know, exercise is good for your health in general. But it is even more beneficial to those looking to quit smoking; your mind will be focused on your exercise routine instead of the urges you are having to smoke.

Make a date that you want to quit by. You are more likely to have motivation when you have this specific date set. And, if you have successfully quit by this date, reward yourself with something fun, like a shirt or book you have been eying. After all that you have been through, you deserve it.

As was mentioned in the beginning of this article, you must be really prepared for the journey. Now that you have been given this information, you should be ready to begin the path to a smoke-free and healthy life. – See more at: http://gotbalance.com/blog.php?c=232&id=703#sthash.LfmvmtN6.dpuf
